30-May-2018, 06:57 PM
OK, so message boards out west get no action and I'm curious what you think ... ,
I'm playing these guys and I have been shooting quietly when I get the urge to just pin up the ball, inhale deeply through my nose and then immediately let it rip, a rollover off the post and into the net. The opposing forward says the sound of the inhale could be a distraction, (the goalie says he wasn't distracted). I say no way, the breathing was a natural part of the shot and not intended to deceive anyone, like for example if I was shooting a kick-shot and took in that breath right before a dink behind. Then the sound was made away from the play with the intention to be heard and to mislead the defender, so a case for a distraction call might be quite strong. But in my case I took the breath right before I hit the ball as hard as I could so it was more of a tell if anything. So what do you think? I can't see the sound of breathing being called for a distraction during the normal course of the game unless it is intentionally being used as one. Course the opposing forward is a complete flake and by this point was running on at the mouth about people complaining about Serena Williams all the time and she's just breathing too?!?
I'm playing these guys and I have been shooting quietly when I get the urge to just pin up the ball, inhale deeply through my nose and then immediately let it rip, a rollover off the post and into the net. The opposing forward says the sound of the inhale could be a distraction, (the goalie says he wasn't distracted). I say no way, the breathing was a natural part of the shot and not intended to deceive anyone, like for example if I was shooting a kick-shot and took in that breath right before a dink behind. Then the sound was made away from the play with the intention to be heard and to mislead the defender, so a case for a distraction call might be quite strong. But in my case I took the breath right before I hit the ball as hard as I could so it was more of a tell if anything. So what do you think? I can't see the sound of breathing being called for a distraction during the normal course of the game unless it is intentionally being used as one. Course the opposing forward is a complete flake and by this point was running on at the mouth about people complaining about Serena Williams all the time and she's just breathing too?!?